The Grace of Advent: Waiting

Last Wednesday when Circle was done we had to wait for what seemed like a very long time, first for someone to answer the buzzer so I could tell them class is over, and second for a C.O. (Corrections Officer) to come unlock the door and let us all leave.

While we waited we chatted about this and that, including the current shortage of jail staff which causes the kinds of waits we were experiencing. The women talked about how most C.O.’s are really okay, and don’t make things harder on them then they already are. They expressed understanding and compassion for those who aren’t so agreeable. They told us about the nightly Bible studies they hold in their cells and the Gospel stories they were discussing.

As the waiting extended beyond ten minutes I said we might as well sit down and relax. This was as much for my benefit as anyone else’s.

Then someone said, “Who has a song?” Another tried to lead us in a contemporary hymn (“Our God Is an Awesome God”) but nobody knew it well enough. Then I led us in a couple of the song-prayers we do in Children’s Worship: “Lord God We Adore You” and “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord.” I told them about learning songs in West Africa and they were interested in what I was doing there and what it was like.

As I started to do the greeting song, the C.O. came. I promised we’d do that song today and we did! Now that I think about it, the waiting last week was a most appropriate beginning of the Advent season.
