Monthly Archives: March 2018

“The Sentence” in Criminal Justice Jargon

Storyboard for “The Sentence” Mark 15:6-15

This mixed media storyboard for “The Sentence” is pretty amazing, if for no other reason than that it was created in so little time. The four episodes are depicted in contemporary criminal justice jargon.

After the creator told the story using a dynamic equivalent translation of contemporary criminal justice jargon, she wrote the key words out for me to share below the story, which is on the other side of the storyboard doc as shown in the graphic below.

F2=Felony of the 2nd degree, which includes attempted murder (Jesus was in prison with those who committed murder during the insurrection)

Testify CI=Criminal Informant, which is someone who testifies against you (the chief priests accused Jesus of many things)

OR=Own Recognizance, when we are released (Barabbas was released)

Innocent=when we are wrongly accused (as was the case with Jesus and Pilate knew it but sentenced him to death anyway).

Reverse Contraband

Contraband: “Goods that have been imported or exported illegally; trade in smuggled goods” (Oxford English Dictionary).

I hadn’t heard the word used for years, until I started hanging around prisons. “Contraband” is in common use there, referring to any of a wide range of prohibited items brought in without permission. Guns, drugs, and explosives (duh), but also cameras, cigarettes, and cell phones.

We were reminded about the cell phone prohibition the hard way when one of us inadvertently forgot she had her cell phone in her pocket. That resulted in an “incident report” being filed by a zealous corrections officer.

To be fair, the prison had had a rash of contraband issues involving cell phones and the C.O.’s responsible for entrance procedures were on notice to be extra rigorous enforcing the rules. Contraband is taken very seriously, not a laughing matter.

Although contraband is not ordinarily a humorous topic, the Word of God can lighten up the most dreary of topics. I think it was during a Circle in December that this happened at the prison.

We meet in the chapel. The woman sitting next to me in Circle had a cup of water with her, on the floor next to her chair. At some point she knocked it over and spilled the water, apologizing profusely. No big deal, except I had forgotten the tissues that day. I looked around for something to dab up the water, and there was a roll of toilet paper conveniently placed on a table near the pulpit (I assume to function as tissues for tears and runny noses). That did the job and we went on with our story-learning activities.

A while later the cup again got tipped over with the same result. Again I looked around for something to soak up the water. Where was that handy toilet paper? Then one of the women said, “Ms. Amelia, it’s in your bag.” Another woman teased, “Ms. Amelia, are you trying to sneak that toilet paper outta here?” “Now, how did that get in my bag?!” I said innocently.

My tune changed to one of gratitude. “Whew, thanks for telling me.” They had saved me from committing reverse contraband.

“Circle of the Word” Inside and Out

This is the flyer for the new Circle of the Word at Grace UMC. It is a re-purposed poster for the women’s prison Circle announcing the series: Journey to Resurrection, which starts with the story of Jesus being anointed by a woman (Mark 14:3-9). Cortney Haley created the image for GoTell some time ago. Everyone likes it.

We are also doing this series in the county jail where the program is called “Sacred Stories” (to distinguish it from Women’s Circle). The first time a woman comes I give her this flyer and invite her to attend when she gets out. So far it is just women from the congregation who have attended, but I hope over time some returning neighbors will take advantage of this “after care” option.



