Monthly Archives: July 2016

“The Lady Giving Her All”

There were quite a few people in the waiting area for visitation at the jail this week. I was waiting for my co-Circlekeeper to arrive. I set down my heavy bag of materials, including a supply of Cheryl’s Cookies which I bring every now and then for a treat. Then I decided to sit down myself.

Now I have to make an embarrassing confession. Blame it on being an introvert, or the descendant of Norwegian stock, or because I was in a jail, but I was reluctant to sit down right next to a strange man. So, should I move my bag from where it was two seats down to the chair next to his so I could sit in the chair where the bag had been and not right next to him? Or should I pick up up my bag and go sit elsewhere?

Then I had a WWJD moment.

I sat down next to the man. He asked me, “Are you here to visit someone?” I said no, I was here to lead a program for women. I added, “We tell and teach stories from the Bible. This summer we are doing stories from the Gospel of Luke that feature women. Today we are learning the story of the woman who put two coins in the temple treasury.”

He recalled the story: “That’s the one about the widow who was poor. Jesus praised her saying she gave more than all the rich people.” He told me he had been in prison many years ago. Now he is part of a singing group at his church that goes to prisons in Ohio and Indiana to perform. We weren’t strangers any more.

Nine women came to Circle that day. Since our story was a short one I decided to try something new: invite every woman to tell the story for a cookie. I got out my box of Cheryl’s Cookies. There were nine wonderful, distinctive tellings. I wish I had a recording of them all.

The women filled out a survey at the end of class. They each gave permission to share what they wrote. Here are responses to, “Something I find meaningful about today’s story”:

  • The lady giving her all
  • It’s ok to put in your all, for Jesus is watching and appreciates it… You will be blessed in the end.
  • Even if you don’t have it all together and don’t have nothing to give really, still give
  • Jesus protected the widow
  • Even the poorest person can be generous and God looks at your offering/gifts the best
  • Even if you don’t have much still give
  • The widow was taken care of
  • Keep faith. God will always provide. And continue to help and give when possible.

The Holy Spirit is alive and active in the Montgomery County Jail. And in case you wondered, they really liked the cookies.