
The core activities of a basic Circle of the Word are described in this section. These are the activities included in the sample basic design for a Circle of the Word session.

Additional activities used in specific Circle designs for stories on this site are listed in the section called Instructions for Leading Bonus Activities.

Download PDF of a sample basic design with core activities.

  1. Introductions
  2. Opening
  3. Nametags and Attendance
  4. Talking Piece, Check-In, Agreements
  5. Word I Heard
  6. Repeat-After-Me
  7. Fill-in-the-Blank or The Last Word
  8. I Wonder
  9. About the Story
  10. Storyboard Partner Telling
  11. Name an Episode
  12. Connections
  13. My Story in God’s Story
  14. Winding Up