Feedback Surveys: “Let your voice be heard!”

One of the issues for many incarcerated men and women is that they have no “voice” or encouraged, safe outlet for expressing their ideas, feelings, opinions, and preferences, especially with regard to the outside world. Another characteristic that is more common than we might imagine is that they value the opportunity to be part of something bigger than themselves, especially if it will be helpful to others.

Offering the option to complete a feedback survey at the end of class provides such an opportunity. It is not just beneficial for them, but it will obviously be helpful to you as the one designing and implementing Circle of the Word.

Furthermore, if you are transparent about the possibility that you will go public with what they write, have them grant permission (built into the survey form), and emphasize that completing the form is optional, and publicizing it anonymous, you may also use the feedback in educating your community about your ministry. So it’s a win-win-win situation.

Before I distribute the survey, I explain that its purpose is research on biblical storytelling and posting online. I tell the women that their responses would add much value to a blog dedicated to restorative justice and to a Facebook page on biblical storytelling. I invite them to look for their responses on this blog and on the GoTell Communications Facebook page when they get out. I give them a brochure that includes the URLs to those online locations.

Click here to download PDF of Survey #1