Winding Up

Check-Out and Feedback Round

Invite participants to:

  1. Give a word or phrase that describes how they are feeling now (at the end of the Circle session). 
  2. Give feedback on the Circle session.

Prayer and Visitation Requests

If your church has a prayer ministry that has agreed to pray for your circle participants, now is the time to tell about that and have them fill out prayer cards.

If you are able to make one-on-one visits, this is also the time to announce that as a possibility; suggest they write “request visit” on their card.


Gather all the items in the Circle and those passed out which need to be returned.


Standing in the Circle, teach the signs for “Go Now in Peace” and sing it twice. This is a benediction—look at them as you sing and sign this blessing that wherever they are, behind bars or out in the community, they will experience God’s love surrounding them.

For the lyrics, melody, and credits of “Go Now in Peace” visit

Teach American Sign Language signs for the following words:

  • Go
  • Peace
  • Love
  • God
  • Surround you
  • Everywhere
  • Go (repeat)

Click to view video teaching the signs…