Isaiah’s Prophecy in Story, Music, and Art

In its original context—the land of Judea, 2700 years ago—those who listened to Isaiah’s prophecy as recorded in Isaiah 9:2-7 would have known that it celebrated the coronation of a king, probably Hezekiah. While other biblical prophets are suspicious of kings, Isaiah speaks well of them. He sees them as exalted on earth just like God is exalted in heaven.

Seven hundred years after Isaiah’s time, followers of Jesus listened to this prophecy and understood it as referring to Jesus. In 1741, George Handel wrote a piece of music called “The Messiah” drawing on words from this prophecy for an oratorio, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” and a chorus, “For a child has been born for us…and he is named…Prince of Peace.”

We listened to Handel’s oratorio and the chorus while responding to the prophecy through drawing. When this music was over, a young woman began singing “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine” and the rest of us joined in. A most fitting response to Isaiah’s prophecy.
