Prayer and Proclamation

11-11-15With much regret, last Wednesday when we engaged Mark 1:35-39, I forgot to get pictures of the women’s wonderful storyboards. The one above was contributed by one of the Circlekeepers, for which I am most grateful! Note her creative way of dividing the paper into three sections for the three episodes of the story.

For this story I tried a storylearning activity I hadn’t done for some time: having people give titles to each episode and then of the whole story. They worked in pairs and managed the negotiations and decision-making to accomplish the task extremely well and in a timely manner. Everyone fully participated. When done, they reported back as pairs in a round.

My title for this story is “Prayer and Proclamation.” The titles each pair created are listed below. The top phrase of each set is the title for the whole story. The indented titles are for the three episodes.

  1. Seeking Good Spirit
    1. Prayer Time
    2. Hide and Seek
    3. Glory
  2. Proclamation of Jesus
    1. Solitude
    2. Seeking Jesus
    3. Jesus Seeks
  3. Jesus Casts Out Demons
    1. Morning Prayer
    2. Jesus Tells His Purpose
    3. Driving Out Demons
  4. Jesus Proclaiming the Town
    1. Private Prayer
    2. Praying for Thy Neighbor
    3. Running Away Demons
  5. Jesus’ Route to His Ministry
    1. Jesus’ Route to Prayers
    2. Jesus on the Move
    3. Jesus Casting Out Demons

It’s amazing to me how each set of titles is different, and yet each captures the gist of the story. I’m thinking how this creative, analytical work of the Circle can contribute to other biblical storytelling Circles or workshops.