“Woman, you are set free from your affliction!”

bentoverwomanMy workshop on Circle of the Word at the NBS Festival Gathering earlier this month was attended by a perfect mix of just the right number of people: young/not-so-young, from various branches of the Christian family and various states around the country, African and Anglo American. Some had years of experience in prison ministry while others were newly contemplating it.

Our focus story was one I had never taught before in any context: the story of “The Bent-Over Woman” from Luke 13.

The “I wonder” activity was one of the exercises I chose to demo. I was amazed at the depth of wondering questions participants had as well as the powerful comments they made on the second round when they got to address any one “wondering.”

I picked “The Bent-Over Woman” because it was one of the theme stories for the Festival Gathering, but it turned out to be a great story for prison/jail ministry. I’ll definitely teach at the jail this year. How powerful it is to hear Jesus say, “Woman, you are set free from your affliction!”