Go Now in Peace

I close each Circle of the Word standing in a circle with a simple song of blessing: “Go Now in Peace,” composed by Natalie Sleeth in 1975. I teach a few American Sign Language signs to accompany it. After demonstrating the words and their signs, we sing it twice–once slowly so the group can get the hang of it, then with increased tempo and volume for energy. Often we join hands and conclude with prayer.

I have been somewhat surprised how readily both men and women learn and enjoy this prayer song with the signs. After a few sessions at a state prison where I led Circles five years ago, the men told me with pleasure how they would sing it during the day going various places, like to the showers. We all had a good laugh at that.

Recently a man who was in that group, and has since returned to the community, came to my house for lunch after church. As we were finishing our meal, he asked about that song which we then sang. We laughed again, remembering how it was enjoyed back then and there.

Last Christmas I led a “Blue Christmas” service for women in one of the pods at the local jail. It was not a Circle of the Word; there were too many for that. I did tell the story of Jesus’ birth from the Gospel of Luke. We concluded the service by forming a big circle and singing, with signs, “Go Now in Peace.”

After we sang it through, one of the other worship leaders, a high school music teacher from my church, asked, “Shall we try it as a round?” We agreed to try, so she led us in a 2-part round quite successfully. Then she asked, “Shall we try it as a 4-part round?” With new-found confidence in our musical abilities we answered, “Sure!” And we did. It was beautiful and extraordinary. The spirit of Christmas was present and active among us.

Click on my picture to learn the signs.

Learn signs for “Go Now in Peace”

Visit hymnary.org for info on the lyrics, tune, and hymnals where it is included (there are 17).

For more about closing activities for Circle of the Word, visit the Winding Up page of this site.

Go now in peace,

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