Getting Started

Do something.”

⎯Inmate mentor presenting to a group of church leaders during a three-day prison immersion experience at Chillicothe Correctional Institution, July 2014

Seven Suggested Steps:

  1. Pray for wisdom, courage, and persistence.
  2. Pick a story from this site and learn it by heart.
    1. Need help? Download How To Learn Biblical Story By Heart
    2. For basic background on your chosen story, read “About the Story” available on that story’s page.
  3. Get familiar with the basic design and activities used in Circle of the Word, and then with the specific design for the story you have chosen.
  4. Try the Circle of the Word process with a small group of friends or church members.
  5. Recruit a partner from that group who will go with you to jail/prison.
  6. Contact the jail/prison chaplain, tell them you have a program proposal for leading a small group spiritual formation study of a biblical story.
  7. You will learn the security requirements from whatever institution you enter. Think of it as a mission trip; it is.


Let’s get started.

  1. Finding a Venue
  2. Circle of the Word Process
  3. Basic Design
  4. Materials and Supplies
  5. Learning the Story for Circle Keepers