Feedback Survey

Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:19b)

Occasionally I ask the women attending Sacred Stories (our Circle of the Word at the county jail) to give feedback about the story we have learned. I also ask them to indicate on the form whether or not they grant their permission for me to share their feedback.

On the last Wednesday in March our story was from John 20:19-23. I usually call this story “Behind Locked Doors” because of the strong connection between the disciples being in a locked room and our circle happening in a locked room.

Other times I call it “Peace Be With You” to remind us that just as Jesus appeared to the disciples in their state of distress and offered them peace, so the Holy Spirit is present with us offering peace in the midst of whatever turmoil we experience.

Here are responses two women wrote to… Something the story says to me:

  • That forgiveness is given to those that forgive. I believe that so many people want forgiveness and make judgments, however they’re not willing to forgive others.
  • Let the Lord breathe the Holy Spirit into you and rejoice and receive it willingly.

Here is a sampling of responses to… What I would tell others about this class:

  • It’s an experience of who Jesus Christ is and some of the stories in the Bible
  • This is a very beautiful class that helps teach us more about the word of God
  • It’s very nice and easy flowing. I like how it makes it simpler to understand
  • It’s a good class. It teaches a lot about God. You take it step by step and I like that you break it down to understand.
  • It opens your mind and heart to Jesus

There were other survey responses that highlighted the value of an approach to biblical knowledge that facilitated understanding. There was clearly a desire to understand the scriptures. There seems to be a relationship between “breaking down the stories” into parts and the perceived ability to understand.

There were also expressions of appreciation for those of us who come to lead the Circle: “I truly appreciate you coming and spending time with us today.”

One woman articulated her appreciation for the love and care that is shown them: “The love she shows and how she reminds me, myself, to keep moving, be positive, God is with us always!”

And then there was the woman who wrote in response to “Here is what I would tell others about Sacred Stories Circle: “Nothing but good.”

Feedback like this helps us grow our own faith and continue in ministry with people who are incarcerated.

[Note: The quotes in this post are exact except for a few changes to spelling and punctuation.]

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